3 Search Results


MONFERRATO ASTIGIANO – Strada Bionzo 29 – Costigliole d’Asti (AT) –     Since the birth of the winery, the commitment of Aldo Cantamessa and all his employees and collaborators has been to produce...

Cà Neuva

LANGHE – Frazione S. Lucia 36 – Dogliani (CN) –      The wine-farm Cà Neuva of Abbona Sergio is a family-run business, established to meet the requirements of anyone who loves wine.The farm...

Castello di Razzano

MONFERRATO – Strada Gessi 2, Frazione Casarello – Alfiano Natta (AL) –     The Estate of the Castle originated as a medievel fortress for the Natta family, is surrounded by it’s farm, of...