Imposing and fascinating Villa located on the hills of Biella’s pre-Alps, built towards the end of the 19th century close to a typical Piedmontese farmhouse called ”dell’era”. Right inside this late 18th century structure are located the wonderful winemaking cellars.
Visiting Villa Era means immersing yourself into the wine-growing history of these areas, renowned for the Nebbiolo also known as Spanna di Vigliano. Nebbiolo which is still grown today in the ancient amphitheatre vineyard that magically blends with the Villa’s park.
The cultivation methods are strictly certified organic to continue the history of this place home in the last century to a world-class study center on research about personal well-being linked to nutrition, physical activity and meditation.

VISIT AND TASTING – 1h 30min – € 30pp
Visit to the historic vineyard, the ancient Villa and the cellars from the late 18th century.
Tasting of 2 organic wines with a local cheese and cured meats platter.
(vegan option on request)
Visit to the historic Villa and the late 18th century cellars,
picnic in the vineyard with a bag stocked with water, breadsticks, focaccia, cured meats, cheese, wine and cutlery.
(vegan option on request)
min. 6 people
Guided tour of the park, the historic Villa and the holistic library, the cellars and the vineyard with a final tasting of 2 organic wines paired with local products.

Il Rosa – Coste della Sesia doc Rosato
Nebbiolo 100%
Rondò – Coste della Sesia doc Spanna
Nebbiolo 100% – Affinamento in legno e acciaio
Villa Era – Coste della Sesia doc Nebbiolo
Nebbiolo 100% – Affinamento in legno
Birra agricola all’uva di nebbiolo
Andy Krantz 2 recensioni·8 foto⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Paradise an hour outside of Milan, in the historic Piedmont region.
Go for the serene gardens, captivating architecture, and heavenly wine. Go back again (and again…) for the exceptional people who bring it all to life.
Wolfgang Haase 11 recensioni·52 foto⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Sehr schön
Edoardo Osculati Local Guide·5 recensioni·94 foto⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Walter Ruffatto 8 recensioni·11 foto⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Villa Era grazie alla storia di due figure che l’hanno animata, ovvero Ledanna Duranti Danieli e il nipote Franz Rivetti, è stata pioniera nella diffusione in Italia dell’agricoltura e dell’alimentazione biologica. La nobildonna iniziò ad occuparsi di queste tematiche già dal dopoguerra, dando poi vita alla rivista Eubiotica che diresse fino alla sua morte, avvenuta nel 1977. Franz Rivetti portò avanti la pubblicazione e questo progetto visionario, creando con Giorgio Barabino il Centro ICARE (International Centre for Advancement in Research and Education), che si occupava di agricoltura biologica, alimentazione, fitoterapia, erboristeria, botanica, medicine naturali e nella pratica dello yoga e della medicina ayurvedica tenendo conferenze, seminari e corsi con esperti di fama internazionale, professori e insegnanti specializzati nelle varie discipline.
La biblioteca della dimora testimonia questa storia quasi secolare con i suoi 3.000 volumi.
Il biologico continua ancora oggi grazie alla produzione di vino nell’antica vigna e grazie al progetto della Cascina il Chioso di Federico Chierico. Ogni sabato mattina c’è un mercatino dei prodotti agricoli.
EN translation: Villa Era, thanks to the story of two figures who animated it, namely Ledanna Duranti Danieli and her nephew Franz Rivetti, was a pioneer in the spread of organic agriculture and food in Italy. The noblewoman began to deal with these issues already after the war, giving life to the Eubiotica magazine which she directed until her death in 1977. Franz Rivetti continued the publication and this visionary project, creating with Giorgio Barabino the ICARE Center (International Center for Advancement in Research and Education), which dealt with agriculture biological, nutrition, phytotherapy, herbal medicine, botany, natural medicines and in the practice of yoga and Ayurvedic medicine holding conferences, seminars and courses with internationally renowned experts, professors and teachers specialized in the various disciplines.
The house’s library bears witness to this almost centuries-old history with its 3,000 volumes.Organic farming continues today thanks to the production of wine in the ancient vineyard and thanks to Federico Chierico’s Cascina il Chioso project. Every Saturday morning there is a farmers’ market.
Sara Rocutto Local Guide·147 recensioni·314 foto⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Siamo venuti qui per una degustazione di vini. Sono buoni produttori e il luogo è molto bello!
EN translation:We came here for a wine tasting. They are good producers and the venue is very beautiful!
Italy Wineries 3 recensioni⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Stupenda villa aperta internamente al pubblico da poco tempo. Abbiamo fatto una degustazione di ottimi vini, abbinata alla visita della bellissima biblioteca ed al laboratorio di arte all’interno.
Grazie ad Andrea per la bella accoglienza.
EN translation: Superb villa recently opened internally to the public. We had a tasting of excellent wines, combined with a visit to the beautiful library and the art laboratory inside. Thanks to Andrea for the nice welcome.
Gianpietro Manno Local Guide·346 recensioni·1844 foto⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Bellissima villa, ringrazio Pamela per il giro fatto all’interno,. Si organizzano eventi sempre molto interessanti.
EN translation: Beautiful villa, I thank Pamela for the tour inside. We always organize very interesting events.
Giovanna Panuccio Local Guide·11 recensioni·147 foto⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Meraviglie biellesi
EN translation: Wonders of Biella
Simone Scola Local Guide·608 recensioni·974 foto⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Stupenda villa adagiata sulla collina. Raggiungibile con una semplice passeggiata nel bosco.
EN translation: Superb villa nestled on the hill. Reachable with a simple walk in the woods.
Roberto Guala Local Guide·210 recensioni·204 foto⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Splendida villa d’epoca
EN translation: Splendid period villa
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